The City Council voted to approve the payment of various bills totaling $149k.
The City Council voted to accept the City Treasurer’s financial report covering the period of May 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024.
In October, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued final Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), which require the city — and most other community water suppliers in the country — to identify and replace lead service lines and certain galvanized service lines by 2037 (service lines are the pipes that bring water from the city’s main supply directly into homes and businesses). The LCRI requirements supersede similar requirements from a 2021 state law. City staff recommended contracting with Christopher B. Burke Engineering to help with planning, regulatory compliance, and applying for funding. The City Council voted to approve a professional services agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering at an amount not to exceed $38k.
Parks & Public Spaces
In 2022, the city purchased 340 Green Bay Rd. for the purpose of expanding Everts Park. The blighted building on the property was subsequently demolished and the site has since been used for temporary surface parking. The city recently completed design and engineering work for the park expansion (final renderings here and here) and opened a request for construction bids. The city plans to evaluate construction bids and select a contractor this winter, aiming to begin construction in the spring.
In 2021, the city purchased 454 & 460 Green Bay Rd. for the purpose of revitalizing the area through redevelopment. The blighted buildings on these properties were subsequently demolished and the sites have since been used for temporary surface parking. The city has observed multiple parking violations at these sites, including semi-trailer trucks parking illegally and vehicles parked overnight without permits. To address this problem, the City Council directed city staff to
(following a grace period for notification) begin strictly enforcing applicable parking regulations at the sites effective January 1, 2025,
designate an area at the sites for a limited number of non-commercial vehicles to park overnight with permits, and
increase the number of overnight parking permits issued on a limited basis.
The city is now providing a new optional curbside recycling service. The goal of the service is to divert hard-to-recycle plastics from landfills. Importantly, this new service supplements conventional recycling, it does not replace it. Click here to find a video that animates how the service works and here for additional informational (e.g., free starter kit, where to buy the bags, accepted items).
The owners of 330 North Ave., a residential property, would like to build a detached garage on their lot. Their building plan complies with all applicable zoning regulations except for the floor area ratio requirement (i.e., the ratio of a building’s total floor area to the size of the lot upon which it is built). The maximum floor area ratio for the property’s zoning district is 40% and the owners’ plan proposes a 51% ratio. The owners applied for zoning relief to allow them to exceed the maximum floor area ratio. The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application, made findings of fact, and recommended the City Council approve the requested zoning relief with the following condition:
The owners pay all costs incurred by the city for the zoning proceedings and related activities.
The City Council voted to accept the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the requested zoning relief and condition.
The tenants of 43 Highwood Ave., a commercial property, would like to use their space as a tattoo studio and art gallery. Their usage plan complies with all applicable zoning regulations except for the permitted uses requirement. The property’s zoning district does not allow tattoo studio uses. The tenants applied for zoning relief to allow them to operate a tattoo studio. The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application, made findings of fact, and recommended the City Council approve the requested zoning relief with the following conditions:
The tenants comply with all applicable state and local laws.
The tenants pay all costs incurred by the city for the zoning proceedings and related activities.
The City Council voted to accept the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the requested zoning relief and conditions.
The owners of 140 Morgan Pl., a residential property, would like to use their property for multifamily housing. Their usage plan complies with all applicable zoning regulations except for the maximum number of units requirement. The maximum number of units for the property’s zoning district is one (i.e., single-family) and the owners’ plan proposes two (i.e., duplex). The owners applied for zoning relief to allow them to use their property for multifamily housing (duplex). The Planning & Zoning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application, made findings of fact, and recommended the City Council approve the requested zoning relief with the following conditions:
The owners pay a $20k fine related to prior unpermitted structural construction work and zoning violations.
The owners pay all costs incurred by the city for the zoning proceedings and related activities.
The owners verify the material type of the property’s water service line and replace it if made of lead or galvanized steel.
The owners add a brick veneer ledge to the bottom of the house’s facade.
The City Council voted to accept the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the requested zoning relief and conditions; the approval also added a condition requiring the owners to complete their proposed exterior improvements before July 1, 2025, granting the City Manager sole discretion to extend the deadline by up to three months.
The City Council voted to approve meeting minutes from November 19, 2024.
The Library & Community Center’s December newsletter is here.
Celebrate Highwood’s Elf Invasion Pub Crawl event will be held on December 7th from 2:00 pm to bar close in the downtown business district; additional information here.
I had reprints made of the rare book, 28 Miles North: A Story of Highwood (Wittelle, 1953); if you would like a free copy, please reply to this email with your address and I will drop one off at your home before long.
Meeting Records